Riley Turns 1! (and shares some reading wisdom)


IMG-3199 It’s my baby’s birthday!! Riley turns 1 today, and in her 365 days in the world,  she has developed not only a passion for books, but also several reading strategies to share in hope of inspiring students to read more. Her words of wisdom:                                                

  1. Good readers always have “books on deck”— meaning, they keep a running list of titles they want to read after finishing their current book.  Here is a link to a book tracker I share with students!                                               
  2. Good readers have a reading routine. Maybe it’s just “I read 20 pages every day” or “I read for 15 minutes each night.” Whatever it is, it helps students move through  a book at an engaging pace. Here is a link to a pacing bookmark I use for students who want to increase their reading pace.PacingBookMarkCOver
  3. Good readers know how to “get in the zone.” This might mean reading in a particular comfy spot, making a mug of tea, or listening to some classical background music. Anything that makes reading more enjoyable works!  Here is a genre bingo board I use to incentivize students to read more and explore different genres.                
  4. Good readers know reading is more fun with a buddy! Talking about funny, sad, or surprising moments in books is almost better than reading them in the first place! Find a friend, and read a title together!

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