Genre Bingo! (With a twist)

GenreBingoLooking for a way to incentivize your students to read all these wonderful YA books? I use genre bingo! At the beginning of the school year, I give each student a bingo sheet. They write the title of each book they read in the corresponding box, and I sign off after each novel they finish. When they get “bingo” I offer them a reward. I’ve offered different rewards every year, ranging from a no homework pass to a Dunkin’ Donuts breakfast sandwich. Use what works for your kids! I also have students color their chart when they get a row and I hang it on my “Wow Work” bulletin board. It makes the reader proud and motivates other students to keep up. Try it out, and tell me how it goes! My kids LOVE it. #motivation

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    The One and Only Ivan- Katherine Applegate


    Golden Boy~ Tara Sullivan